Tips for Driving with a Car Hauler Attached
If you’ve never driven with a trailer or car hauler attached, it can take a minute to get used to. Most competent drivers are perfectly capable of driving with a car hauler, but you should allow for a little practice time. The extra weight of the trailer and the load will affect how you brake, accelerate, turn, and move about on the road. Here are some proven driving tips:
- Plan for Wide Turns, and Don’t Lose Momentum during the Turn
- Drive at a Steady Pace – Don’t Brake or Accelerate Too Quickly
- Leave Several Car Lengths between You and the Vehicle in Front of You
- Take Some Practice Drives around the Neighborhood to Get a Feel for How Your Vehicle Drives with a Car Hauler
- Remember That You’ll Need Extra Room to Park
- Drive Slightly below the Speed Limit to Account for Extra Braking Times
- Pay Careful Attention to the Vehicles around You and Practice Defensive Driving
Unexpected Ways to Use a Car Hauler
Did you know that you can rent a car hauler to transport construction materials or bags of gravel for landscaping projects? You can also add rails to the side of a car hauler to convert it into a utility trailer. There are tons of ways to use car haulers for rent in Michigan, and you might be surprised by the possibilities. Contact Easy Car Haulers at (888) 672-1206 to learn more.
What You Need to Book a Car Hauler for Rent
Renting a car hauler is much easier than you think. With a few simple steps, you can book the trailer you need for the exact amount of time you need it. Our rental contracts require:
- $250 Deposit, Refunded When You Return the Car Hauler in Good Condition
- 25 Years of Age or Older
- Valid Driver’s License
- Proof of Insurance
- Major Credit Cards and PayPal Accepted
- Rental Fee Due at Time of Pickup
We Have Brand New Car Haulers for Rent in Michigan! Contact Easy Car Haulers at (888) 672-1206 to Reserve Yours
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